Search Results for Manufacturer-Vermont-Slate-Co.

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Manufacturer-Vermont-Slate-Co. ... more

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Vermont Slate Co. - Charleston Blend Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Charleston Blend Slate Roofing
Description: Charleston Blend is a subtle yet beautiful combination of Vermont Unfading Grassy Green and Unfading Gray that is very popular in coastal areas of the United States, especially on Mediterranean...

Vermont Slate Co. - Graduated Thickness Vermont Blend Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Graduated Thickness Vermont Blend Slate Roofing
Description: Graduated Thickness Vermont Blends are assembled from a variety of colors and sizes of your choice. The term graduated refers to the decreasing thickness and length of the slate as it progresses...

Vermont Slate Co. - Historic Vermont Blend Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Historic Vermont Blend Slate Roofing
Description: Historic Vermont Blend is a combination of the most popular colors from Vermont: Semi-weathering Gray/Green, Unfading Green or Unfading Gray/Green, and Purple. Texture varies from smooth to...

Manufacturer: Vermont Slate Co.

Category: 04 40 00 | 044000 | roof tiles...

MasterFormat: Stone Assemblies | Slate* | Shingles and Shakes...

Vermont Slate Co. - New York Red Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - New York Red Slate Roofing
Description: New York Red slate is a bright red slate that will not change color. It is dense, very hard, and quarried in Washington County, New York, and commonly found in roof applications...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Black and Gray/Black Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Black and Gray/Black Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Black and Gray/Black slate is a medium to heavy texture stone with a medium to dark gray color and darker, linear markings. This slate is separated into the darker...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Gray Black Blend Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Gray Black Blend Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Gray Black Blend is a darker relative of the Historic Vermont Blend made up of Semi-weathering Vermont Gray, Mottled Gray/Black, and Vermont Black. Some of the lighter gray slates can...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Mottled Purple Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Mottled Purple Slate Roofing
Description: In Vermont Mottled Purple slate , purple and green combine to form unique patterns in each slate. Some pieces are mostly purple and may be called “Dark Mottled,”...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Multi-Color Blend Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Multi-Color Blend Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Multi-Color blends can be created with any of your favorite colors. This one is Vermont Unfading Green, Unfading Red, and Purple.

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Rocky Gray Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Rocky Gray Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Rocky Gray slate is a smooth to heavy texture stone that produces a natural blend of varying depths of gray to black. This unique stone, both in color and texture,...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Royal & Variegated Purple Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Royal & Variegated Purple Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Royal & Variegated Purple slate is a deep purple slate, at times almost burgundy in color, which may have occasional green marks or inclusions. As with most natural...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray slate is a traditional slate gray color and ranges from having a clear appearance to small black markings. This slate may show some varying degrees...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray/Green Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray/Green Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Semi-Weathering Gray/Green slate has a green or gray/green color when first quarried. After application to the roof and exposure to the elements, a significant...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Strata Gray Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Strata Gray Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Strata Gray slate is a medium gray slate with black stripes. This medium to heavy-textured slate usually shows some buff and brown weathering. The random angles of the...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Grassy Green Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Grassy Green Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Unfading Grassy Green slate is a medium texture stone with a vibrant jade green color and splashes of light & dark throughout the slate. Very unique and highly...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Gray Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Gray Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Unfading Gray slate is a medium-texture slate, usually with black markings. It typically will not experience much, if any, buff & brown weathering. The color...

Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Gray/Green Slate Roofing
Vermont Slate Co. - Vermont Unfading Gray/Green Slate Roofing
Description: Vermont Unfading Gray/Green slate is a more subtle green than the Grassy with small gray markings in the slate. This slate weathers very little and is beautiful used alone on...